Vacante número: 8675/2023

Datos de la organización

Nombre: Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, A.C. (UPAEP)
Fecha de esta solicitud: 14/11/2023
Calle y No. 21 Sur 1103
Colonia: Santiago
Municipio/Delegación: Puebla
Ciudad: Puebla C.P. 72410

Datos del contacto

Nombre: Dr. Luis Cuautle Gutiérrez    
Cargo: Director Académico Facultad de Industrial y Logística    
Teléfonos: +52(222)2299400 ext 7143
Correo electrónico:    
Observaciones: Vacancy Notice Title: Full-time professor Field of Knowledge: Automotive Design Engineering Program Organizational Unit: Industrial, Logistics, Manufacturing and Automotive Engineering Department Prim    

Descripción de la vacante

Para la clasificación de las vacantes por Campo y Disciplina del conocimiento se utilizó la Nomenclatura Internacional Normalizada Relativa a la Ciencia y la Tecnología, UNESCO, la cual podrá ser consultada en la pestaña inferior "Campo y Disciplina" para una mejor identificación del perfil profesional buscado.
Nombre de la vacante: Full-time professor
Campo: Ciencias de la Tecnología
Disciplina: Tecnología Industrial
Especialidad: Automotive Design Engineering
Grado académico requerido: Doctorado o superior
Responsabilidades: The applicant will teach, conduct research and advise in his/her area(s) of expertise. Essential responsibilities include: • To teach at undergraduate level and lead instructional activities specified in the approved curriculum and in the faculty bylaws. These activities include lecturing, leading seminars, individual and group tutoring, writing and correcting exams, correcting papers and reports and conducting and supervising evaluation activities; • To participate in departmental and school activities, including meetings, committees, course and program evaluation, curriculum development, and grant preparation; • To provide academic support and advising to students; • To undertake cutting edge research in order to contribute to the intellectual mission of the university and development of innovative proposals of graduate studies concerned with Automotive Design; • To participate in calls for research proposals; • To participate in inter-institutional and/or interdisciplinary research projects linked to regional and national companies and/or to internationally recognized institutions; • To publish research achievements.
Habilidades e idiomas requeridos: Required qualifications Education • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Automotive Design or a closely related field. • Area of expertise, one or more of the following: Automotive Power Electronics, Current Converters, Electric Traction, Electric Vehicle Motors, Inverters and Batteries
Experiencia necesaria: Work Experience • At least 2 years of undergraduate or graduate teaching. • Experience in the design, implementation and management of research (basic and applied science) or consulting projects. • Demonstrated professional experience in the field of expertise. Languages • English and Spanish.
Género: Indistinto
Número de plazas disponibles: 1
Ubicación de la vacante (Ciudad y Entidad Federativa): PUEBLA
Disponibilidad para viajar: SI
Salario Mensual ($): 0.00
Fecha límite para recepción de solicitud: 30/05/2024
Posting date: November 14th 2023 Applications must be sent by email no later than: Ma 31st, 2024 Position to start: Summer 2024 Application instructions 1. Send cover letter including areas of academic interest and/or research, curriculum vitae (CV) and Copies of Transcripts and Diplomas: Bachelor´s, Master´s and Ph.D. All documentation attained outside Mexico shall be duly legalized, including the apostils if so required: For more information, please contact Dr. Luis Cuautle (Industrial, Logistics, Manufacturing and Automotive Department Head) at